We believe that education is the cornerstone of success and is the most important solution to breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. With a family income of less than 10,000 the rural ultra-poor often struggle to make ends meet. They are the absolute bottom of the pyramid. The lower the household income level, the more desperate is the condition for the children. In such situations, education becomes the first thing to be dispensable. Every such dropout is an opportunity lost. Even if they were to complete schooling, they would be completely unprepared for any kind of subsequent career opportunities except for jobs at entry level with meagre pay. Without education, a labourer’s child will grow up to be a labourer. And it will take 25 years before another generation gets an opportunity for education. SEEP-India’s Home care and child support programme attempts to break this cycle.
SEEP-India’s Home care and child support programme (HCCSP) is designed to transform the lives of the underprivileged children by providing them access to high quality education through Academic sponsorships. As a part of the programme, the children and their families have automatic access to the multi-dimensional interventions that SEEP-India undertakes in the areas of Financial Literacy, Vocational Training & Livelihood Development.
An especial concern for programmes seeking to enable the access to quality education of orphans and vulnerable children is the needs of girl children. As is well known, girls’ education frequently falls behind that of boys for a whole host of reasons. These include factors such as parents’ and care-givers’ decision to prioritize the use of scarce resources on the education of boys and cultural expectations on the division of labour that make girls more likely to have tasks that prevent them from attending school such as household chores or caretaking of younger siblings or sick members of the family. Vulnerability is likely only to exacerbate the impact of such factors, creating a vicious cycle in which the vulnerable girl child becomes ever more likely to become the mother of vulnerable children.
In our project area number of Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street Children are found. The problem of orphan / street children is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Due to the deaths of HIV/AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of deserted / widowed / divorce women, absence of love and security in the families, Family disputes, these or-phan and street children are left without care and support. Therefore, we envisage main-streaming these children in the national building by providing Financial supporting, to educate them through our Home Care and Child Support Programme.