Women have always been marginalized and relegated to the status of subjugated class in the Indian society. Especially in rural areas, women have not actively participated in their emancipation due to their lack of economic independence and illiteracy. Women should be organized and strengthened at the grass root level to end their subordination. SEEP-India is making an attempt in that direction to make rural women self sufficient centers through sewing training centers.
The main aim of this program is to enhance the quality of life of women through increased knowledge and skills. SEEP also realized that merely imparting literacy would not be sufficient .The women need vocational training or skills also to uplift their status. They should be able to stand on their feet and be an earning member of the family.
Empowered women are catalysts for economic growth, social advancement, and sustainable development. Their active participation in decision-making processes, educational pursuits, healthcare initiatives, and leadership roles fosters an enriched and diversified society. Women's empowerment propels us towards a more equitable world, where their voices are not just heard but listened to, their talents are acknowledged, and their potential is fully realized. It represents a pivotal stride in our collective journey to construct a fairer and more harmonious global community that benefits everyone.
In-house town training will be provided to woman and girls in the SEEP-India Organization's Tailoring Training Centers. For wider participation and enrolment of the girls and women in the training, courses will be run in the satellite centers as well. Since 2010, hundreds of women and girls have been trained in the garment stitching, fabric paint, embroidery and several hand crafts during 6 months period of course. After completion of the course each trainee will get the certificate and free sewing machines. Most importantly all of they gain confidence , hope and self-stream the money children and woman earn at the work places alleviates some of their poverty and encourages the child and her parents to choose vocational training over child labour.
To provide knowledge & training
Use of tools & equipment used in tailoring trade.
Sewing terminology
Taking correct body measurements
Basic hand & machine stitches
Designing, drafting & pattern making
Layout & fabric estimation
Cutting, tailoring & finishing of garments for children, ladies & gents.
Alteration, defects & remedies to fitting problems.
Processes of quality centrol, packaging, labeling, marking, costing & promotion.
Sourcing of fabrics, trends & relating servicing process.
Skill to construct professional looking garments.
Enhancing employability & entrepreneur skills.