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 The need for giving emphasis on the Skill Development, especially for the less educated, poor and out of school youth has been highlighted in various forums. The skill level and educational attainment of the work force determines the productivity, income levels as well as the adaptability of the working class in changing environment. Large percentage of population in India is living below poverty line. Another related problem to be tackled is large number of students drop outs (About 63% of the school students drop out at different stages before reaching Class-X).


    The skill development at present is taking place mostly in the informal way, i.e. persons ac-quire skill at the work-place when they help their parents, relatives and employers etc. Such persons do not have a formal certificate and thus earn lower wages and are exploited by employers. They have come through informal system due to socio-economic circum-stances of the family and the compulsions of earning a livelihood rather than attending a formal course. While their productivity is low, their contribution to the national GDP cannot be ignored. If the country can create a system of certification which not only recognizes their skills but also provides education and training in a mode that suits their economic compulsions, it will not only benefit the workforce to earn a decent living but also contribute to the national economy by better productivity of this work-force. The main activities of the center are a literacy school for youngsters and professional trainings.


   SEEP India's Youth empowerment programme (Carpentry Skill Training), initiated in 2009. A training center was started to develop the youth in the field of carpentry a long term coaching for their skill development this is a course of 2 years training and in each group of 20 trainees shall be selected from the poor, neglected and down trodden communities.

    The selected boys will be trained in carpentry and after the training a tool kit will be provided to each member to start their work and to earn their livelihood and to support their poor families. This is one of the regular program for SEEP and has been helping many poor youth and dropouts to learn this technical training and stand as their feel independents.


  • To equip individuals with practical carpentry skills, enabling them to secure employment.

  • To enable individuals to generate income through carpentry.

  • To enhance the employability of youth by providing them with a marketable skill

  • Contribute to poverty alleviation by providing a means for individuals to lift themselves out of poverty through gainful employment and income generation.

  • To promote community development by creating a pool of skilled carpenters who can contribute to local infrastructure projects.

  • Designing, drafting & pattern making

  • Layout & fabric estimation

  • Cutting, tailoring & finishing of garments for children, ladies & gents.

  • Alteration, defects & remedies to fitting problems.

  • Processes of quality centrol, packaging, labeling, marking, costing & promotion.

  • Sourcing of fabrics, trends & relating  servicing process.

  • Skill to construct professional looking garments.

  • Enhancing employability & entrepreneur skills.

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